First Families of Orangeburgh District, South Carolina
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Giegelman, Giggleman (Giegelman)
1a. EMANUEL GIEGELMAN[1] was baptized 19 Feb 1693 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1] and died in South Carolina. He was the son of JOHANNES GIEGELMAN and ENGEL STOHLER[1]. He married CATHARINA BURGI on 28 Feb 1719 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1]. She was baptized 13 Nov 1698 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1]. She was the daughter of HANS RUDOLPH BURGI and ANNA THOMMEN[1].
Emanuel's grant of 300 acres and town lot #15 were surveyed on 9 Oct 1735[7]. Emanuel's family size would have justified a grant of 350 acres rather than the 300 acres he received. Other grant data suggests that he may have given one of his headrights to his brother-in-law Heinrich Rickenbacher, perhaps in return for passage money for part of his family[8,9].
Children of Emanuel Giegelman and Catharina Burgi are:
a. ENGEL GIEGELMAN[1], born 11 Feb 1720 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 18 Feb 1720 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
Engel appears to be a female name in this family.
b. ANNA GIEGELMAN[1], born 27 Apr 1721 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 27 Apr 1721 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
c. EMANUEL GIEGELMAN[1], born 2 Dec 1724 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 3 Dec 1724in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
d. JOHANNES (Hans, John) GIEGELMAN[1], born 10 Dec 1728 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 12 Dec 1728 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1]].
e. HANS RUDOLPH GIEGELMAN[1], born 30 Jun 1731 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 1 Jul 1731 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
f. HANS GEORG GIEGELMAN[1], born 2 Dec 1732 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 7 Dec 1732 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1], died young[1].
1b. JOHANNES (Hans, John) GIEGELMAN[1] was baptized 2 Apr 1695 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1] and died in St. Stephens Parish, South Carolina[12]. He was the son of JOHANNES GIEGELMAN and ENGEL STOHLER[1]. He married BARBARA RUDI on 28 Feb 1719 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1]. She was born in Arboldswil, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 27 Jan 1695in Ziefen, BL, Switzerland[1], and died in St. Stephens Parish, South Carolina[12]. She was the daughter of Jacob (Joggi) RUDI and BARBARA ALIMANN[1].
Hans's grant of 350 acres and town lot #22 were surveyed on 17 Oct 1735[8]. Hans's family size would have justified a grant of 400 acres rather than the 350 acres he received. Other grant data suggests that he may have given one of his headrights to Heinrich Rickenbacher, perhaps in return for passage money for part of his family[7,9].
Children of Hans Giegelman and Barbara Rudi are:
a. BARBARA GIEGELMAN[1], born 15 Oct 1719 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 15 Oct 1719 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
b. JOHANNES (Hans, John) GIEGELMAN[1], born 20 Oct 1721 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 21 Oct 1721 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
c. ENGEL GIEGELMAN[1], born 29 Dec 1723 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 1 Jan 1724 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
Engel appears to be a female name in this family.
d. JACOB GIEGELMAN,[1] born 20 Jul 1727 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 20 Jul 1727 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
e. ANNA GIEGELMAN[1], born 30 Jan 1730 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 31 Jan 1730 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
f. MAGDALENA GIEGELMAN[1], born 2 Dec 1732 in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1], baptized 7 Dec 1732 in Bubendorf, BL Switzerland[1].
Emanuel and his brother Hans were married on the same day in Bubendorf, BL, Switzerland[1].
An Auswanderung [emigration] report of 11 Dec 1734 states that "the pamphlet on Carolina and the good reception of emigrants there ... had actuated the Giegelman brothers" to emigrate[2,4].
The Giegelman brothers and their families started down the Rhine in mid April in a party of 42 with the Rickenbachers (Emanuel's brother-in-law), the Salis, the Bitterlis, the Busers, and the Straumans[3,4]. They took passage on the ship Samuel, leaving Rotterdam about 11 May 1735. After a stop in Cowes, they arrived in Charleston on 13 Jul 1735. They left Charleston on 24 Jul 1735 for Orangeburg[5,6].
A Hans Giegelman was married to Ann Elizabeth Shuler by Rev. Giessendanner 1740-1747[10,11]. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the husband was Johannes, b. 1721, but I've found no proof.
1. Evangelische-Reformierte Kirch Bubendorf (Basel), "Kirchenbuch, 1529-1870", FHL INTL Film #953112.
2. Swiss Archives, Auswanderung A1, report from 11 Dec 1734.
3. Swiss Archives, ProtoKolle des Kleinen Rats 106, fol. 389 [Cited in Faust as RP].
4. A. B. Faust and G. M. Brumbaugh, Lists of Swiss immigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies, Vol. II, pp 90, 91
5. SC Archives, The South-Carolina Gazette, July 19, 1735 & July 26, 1735.
6. Leo Schelbert, America Experienced;Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Accounts of Swiss Immigrants to the United States, Account of Hans Georg Strigger, pp. 36-41.
7. SC Archives, Colonial Plats, Vol 17, p. 383.
8. SC Archives, Colonial Plats, Vol. 17, p. 384.
9. SC Archives, Colonial Plats, Vol, 20, p. 81, #1, p 562, #1.
10. Joop Giesendanner, "The Book of Record, Orangeburgh, SC".
11. A. S. Salley, The History of Orangeburg County, South Carolina, 1898, p. 107.
12. The Kraft Family,
Other references to this surname are found in OGSGS Newsletters: Vol. 2, #7, p. 85; Vol. 2, #8, p. 100.
Information provided by Jim Rickenbacker 1/16/03.