First Families of Orangeburgh District, South Carolina
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JOHANN PETER SANDEL was baptized 21 Sep 1721 in Schriesheim, Baden, Germany[11]. He was the son of MICHEL SANDEL and ANNA ELIZABETHA RUF[11]. He married (1)CATHARINA ELIZABETHA STOCKMAN on 19 Jan 1751[11]. She died 1752-1753[7,8,11]. He married (2)MAGDALENE UNKNOWN abt. 1753[7,8,11].
Johann Peter Sandel. departed from Schriesham, Germany to immigrate to the Carolina Territories in the fall of 1752[1]. He sailed from Rotterdam aboard the brigantine John and Mary, captained by Mr. Robinson. He arrived in the port of Charles Towne during the last week of November[4]. Peter and his wife petitioned for a grant of 100 acres on 7 Feb 1753[5]. This was probably Johann Peter's second wife. No child was mentioned in the petition. We assume that Johann Peter's first wife and his child Johann Martin died during the journey and that he married his second wife either on board ship or immediately after arrival in South Carolina.
Child of Johann Peter Sandel and Catharina Elizabeth Stockman is:
a. JOHANN MARTIN SANDEL, born 13 Mar 1752 in Schriesheim, Baden, Germany[11], died bef. 1753.
Children of Johann Peter Sandel and Magdalene Unknown are:
b. JOHN [John Peter, Jr.] SONDEL, born 30 Nov 1753, baptized 1 Jan 1754[6,7,8].
Descendents of John Peter Sandel, Jr. have remained in the Orangeburg area to the present time with some now existing in Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Texas and California.[9].
c. GEORGE HENRY SONDEL, born 7 Aug 1755, baptized 21 Sep 1755[6,7,8].
The descendents of George Henry Sandel migrated to Mississippi and then to Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Some of this branch uses the Sandell spelling[9].
d. ELIZABETH SONDEL, born 8 Jun 1758, baptized 17 Sep 1758[6,7,8].
e. CATHARINA MARGARET SONDEL, born 28 Sep 1759, baptized 18 Nov 1759[6,7,8].
f. ANNA MARIA SANDEL, born 20 Dec 1763[6].
g. MARIA ELIZABETH SANDEL, born 29 Jan 1766[6].
h. REGINA SANDEL, born 1 Apr 1768[6].
i. MARIA MAGDALENA SANDEL, born 26 Oct 1770[6].
The only references for the Sondel spelling are the baptism entries for the first four children of Johann Peter and Magdalene in the Giessendanner "Book of Record"[7,8]. Since those are primary records, we have honored that spelling for those four children.
Not all of the people in the U. S. bearing the Sandel surname are descended from Johann Peter Sandel. Valentin Sandel, from Schriesheim, arrived in Philadelphia in 1768[1] and began a line which now resides across the northern tier of States from Mass. to the Midwest. It is possible that this Valentin was Johann Peter's brother. Werner Hacker [1] also listed a Daniel Sandel, from Schriesheim, who immigrated two years after Johann Peter. Daniel's descendents migrated to MS and then to TX where some still reside. Note: This Daniel Sandel cannot be Johann Peter's brother Daniel who remained in Schriesheim and died there in 1822[11].
1. Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany (To America and other countries). Edited by Professor Werner Hacker; Closson Press Apollo, Pennsylvania - 1994. Book XI of XI, Pg. 377,Hacker's Source No. IX1649
2. P. William Filby. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1988 Supplement, p.. 491.
3. Janet Lee Gartman. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Suppl..
4. The South Carolina Gazette, No. 964. Microfiche on file at the South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, SC.
5. Brent Holcomb. Petitions for land from the South Carolina Council Journals, Volume III : 1752-1753, p. 180.
6. Bible of John Jenkins Sandel. Owned by Mrs. Henry D. [Jean Felder] Sandel of Orangeburg, SC
7. Joop Giesendanner, "The Book of Record, Orangeburgh, SC".
8. A. S. Salley, The History of Orangeburg County, South Carolina. pp. 143, 156, 179, 188.
9. Jack A. Sandel. "The Sandel, Sandal, Sandle, Sandell Story", Orangeburg Historical Society.
10. Surnames Throughout The World, Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston, TX.
11. Karl Schuhmann, Familienbuch Schriesheim 1650-1900, Schriesheim: Oldenwaldclub, 2004.
Other references to this surname are found in OSGSG Newsletters: Vol. 1, p. 32; Vol. 6, pp. 52, 68, 85, 88, 120, 150; Vol. 7, pp. 53, 56, 61, 164; Vol. 10, pp. 7, 79; Vol 11, pp. 57, 58, 125..
Information provided by Jack Alfred Sandel 10/04/02, 4/2/05 and 8/3/08.