The First Families of Orangeburgh, South Carolina
Orangeburgh Township was one of several townships established by the Colonial Government in order to encourage settlement in the South Carolina interior. A party of Swiss settlers were escorted to the township of Orangeburgh on the Edisto River in 1735. These were the first official settlers of Orangeburgh. Other Swiss and German families soon followed and settlers continued to come throughout the Colonial era. At the end of the Colonial Era, Orangeburgh District included the townships of Orangeburgh, Amelia (Calhoun County), Saxe-Gothe (Lexington) and Winton (Barnwell)(Aiken/Bamberg, Allendale). Although English, Scots, Irish, French, and others also settled in the area, at the end of the colonial period the inhabitants of Orangeburgh District were primarily of Swiss-German extraction.
The goal of these pages is to publish reviewed, sourced, first generation biographies of the families settling in Orangeburgh District during the Colonial Period (1735 - 1773). These biographies are also published in the OGSGS Newsletter. You can help by contributing information on your Family. Go to First Family Info for more information.
Many of the first families who settled in the Orangburgh District are the origin of familiar family surnames in the area and other parts of the country today. Included here are biographies of some of these first generation families.
Avinger (Ebinger, Evinger, Uebinger)
Bair (Bähr, Bär, Behr)
Brown (Braun)
Carn (Kern, Caine, Carne)
Connor (Conner)
Culler (Koller, Kollar, Collard)
Dantzler (Denzler)
Dukes (Duke)
Eisenhut, Yssenhut, Hazelwood (Issenhut, Heizenhood, Isenhood, Heselwood, Yessenhoot, Ussenhut)
Fairey (Fere, Faire, Fairy)
Felder (Fälder)
Fersner (Ferstner. Forstner, Vorstner)
Funchess (Funtius, Fontius)
Gartman (Gartmann)
Giegelman (Giggleman)
Giesendanner (Gissendanner, Giezendanner, Gietzendanner)
Haigler (Hegler)
Hartzog (Hertzog)
Heaner (Hayner, Häner)
Herlong (Herlan)
Holman (Halman, Hallman, Hollman)
Hoover (Huber)
Horger (Horguer, Hurger) Update added 23 Aug 2021
Hungerpiller (Hungerbieler, Ungerbühler)
Hutto (Otto, Huttow)
Inabinet (Inäbnit, in Äbnit)
Jennings (Zanini, Ganina, Jennins)
Keitt (Keith, Kitts, Kitt) Added 5 Apr 2021
Keller Added 9 Jul 2021
Kemmerlin (Kemmerling, Kimmerlin)
Moorer (Mûrer, Maurer)
Myers (Myer, Meyers, Meyer, Mayer)
Ott (Oth, Otth)
Rickenbacker (Rickenbaker, Rickenbacher, Riggenbacher)
Ruple (Roppell, Roppel)
Salley (Säli, Sälin)
Sandel (Sandal, Sandell, Sandle, Sondel)
Sanger (Zenger, Zanger)
Shuler (Schuler)
Smoak (Rauch, Smoke)
Snell (Schnell)
Snider (Schneider, Snyder, Sneider)
Speigner (Spaigner, Speigener, Speigenor, Spigener, Spignar, Spigner)
Staley (Stähli, Stähle, Stehely) Added 9 Jul 2021
Stoudenmire (Saaudenmaier, Stoudenmayer, Stoudenmeyer)
Strobel (Strûbel, Stroble)
Stroman (Strauman, Straumann)
Sturkey (Sturkie, Sterchi)
Summers (Sommers)
Syfrett (Syphrett, Syfret, et al)
Tanner (Danner)
Thompson (Thomson)
Till (Diel, Dill)
Ulmer (Ulmore, Olmer, Wolmer, et al)
Wannamaker (Wannemacher, Wannenmacher)
Way (Waye)
Yaun (Jahn, Jann, Yohn, Yonn, Yon, Yaun, Yawn)
Zeigler (Zeagler, Seigler, Zigler) Added 14 Mar 2021
Note: These biographies are provided as an aid to your personal research. While every effort has been made to include the best available information from referenced sources, the quality of the references is variable. As always, individual researchers should review the references cited and make their own determination as to the validity of the provided information.